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发布时间:2025-03-20 12:50:52

『壹』 有谁知道电影《穿越时空爱上你》里面的一首插曲,是影片播放到11:00分钟时响起的歌曲,请帮帮忙,谢谢!

Vanessa Williams 的 《The Comfort Zone》 专辑中的《Save the Best for Last》

『贰』 求蒂姆·麦格罗(Tim McGraw)演唱的halo歌词~~~

Halo -Tim McGraw

let's just cut it down the middle
let it bleed and bleed out
i'll clean up the mess, baby
you stand there and shout
cry, cry
baby, i can't hold us together

paint me in a corner
cover me with rage
i'll take it like a circus lion
silent in my cage
cry, cry
baby, i can't change the weather

baby, i'll let go when you say so
try to let your heart fly free
i'll crawl out of my cradle
down in to my black hole
and you just lay low
under your halo

i'll slip into the back room
[From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/t/tim-mcGraw-lyrics/halo-lyrics.html]
fall onto your cast
almost out of focus
like a faded photograph
cry, cry
baby, i'm all out of answers

baby, i'll let go when you say so
try to let your heart fly free
i'll crawl out of my cradle
down in to my black hole
and you just lay low
under your halo

baby, i'll let go when you say so
try to let your heart fly free
i'll crawl out of my cradle
down in to my black hole
and you just lay low
under your halo

bab, you just lay low
under your halo



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