导航:首页 > 电影资讯 > 请问电影院在哪里英语翻译


发布时间:2024-12-14 04:55:43

A. 翻译几个地名

电影院在山阴路恒隆广场D座5楼:The cinema is on the fifth floor, building D, Henglong Squre, Road Shanyin

第一人民医院在市心南路199号,在金贸大厦和益友书店中间 工商银行对面: The First People's Hospital is on 199, Road Shixinnan, between Jinmao Building and Yiyou Bookstore.

新华书店在山阴路和市心中路的西南角。隔山阴路对面是超市,隔市心中路对面是宾馆: Xinhua Bookstore is at the south-west corner of Road Shanyin and Road Shixinzhong. The supermarket is opposite to Road Shanyin and the Hotel is opposite to Road Shixin.

百货商店在市心中路 澳门豆捞对面 (翻译不出也可以说饭店对面)The Shopping Mall is at Road Shixin, opposite to the hotel.

警察局在回澜路上,回澜小学对面 : the police office is at Road Huilan, opposite to Huilan Primary School.

邮局在萧然东路上,金城花园旁边 : The post office is at Road Xiaoran East, near Jincheng Gardan

开元名都在山阴路上,在绿都世贸广场对面 : Kaiyuan Ming is at Road Shanyin, opposite to Lv Trade Square.

力度俱乐部在山阴路恒隆广场4楼: Li Club is on the fourth floor in Henglong Square at Road Shanyin

B. 电影院在哪里英语翻译

Where is the cinema?

C. 请问电影院在那用英语怎么说

Excuse me, where is the cinema?

D. 电影院在那用英语怎么说

The cinema is over there



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