⑴ 有哪些可以让你笑到哭的影视剧推荐吗
⑵ 如何评价电影《初恋这件小事》
⑶ 有什么搞笑电影推荐一下
苏联军官说:不能破例!七天之内,禁止笑,禁止音乐,禁止 娱乐 ,禁止婚礼…
最 搞笑 的是,有个坐在末席的宾客想传话给新郎,他说的原话是“祝你幸福”,这话通过一个个宾客,口口相传,最后传到新郎耳中的话是:祝你今晚全力以赴的大干一场!
有没有看过这样的二战动作片?首先,丘吉尔变成了美国人,身穿白色小背心,面容冷峻,俨然一个美国猛男。他来到伦敦,发现英国正在与希特勒接近,他挺身而出。如同过家家一样,丘吉尔联同美国一同拯救了人类,顺便泡上了一个姑娘,她就是年轻的依丽莎白二世。为了争夺依丽莎白二世,丘吉尔还和希特勒上演了一番明争暗斗的大戏。美国第34任总统艾森豪威尔,在影片中是个美国大兵,更 搞笑 的,是个黑人!而时任美国总统罗斯福,说话时竟然还咬牙切齿,好像要吞噬一切。乔治六世呢,不仅耳背、嗜酒,还是个抠门的家伙。希特勒意外空降到英国,但是在去往皇宫的过程中,先是 汽车 抛锚,搭车的时候,司机把他认成了卓别林,说看过他演的《淘金记》,他在里面吃鞋子,边说还边偷笑。希特勒怒火中烧,直接点了一把火,把这车给烧了。最后开着公交车进入了英国皇宫。希特勒在家里变成了妻管严,但还在外面拈花惹草,他看上了英国公主玛格丽特,硬气起来要把老婆休掉,他却死活不肯把自己的小狗让给老婆。
春节将近,玩具集团老板李成功(徐峥)回长沙过年,同时在情 人曼妮(李曼)的逼迫下,准备过年后跟老婆(左小青)离婚。结果,在机场遇到前往长沙讨债的“资深”挤奶工牛耿(王宝强)后,霉运不断。命运的捉弄,牛耿一路都与李成功不期而遇。两人路途中囧事不断,也遭遇了各式各样的人和千奇百怪的事情,弄得李成功狼狈不堪,高贵形象荡然无存,牛耿却不以为然乐观积极。为了能够回家,二人结伴而行,他们换了各种交通方式奔波在回家的路上,飞机,火车,大巴,轮渡,搭货车,甚至拖拉机。但是两人还是在荒郊野外度过了大年三十,回首这一路的艰辛,与他们路途中遇到人或事,对两人人生有了很大触动。最终,在两人一路经历了从陌生人到成为朋友,牛耿的真诚也改变了李成功冷漠的性格,唤起李成功对真情的回归 。 而当疲惫的李成功回到家时,发现曼妮比他还早到一步,甚至见到了他的妻子,满怀忐忑的李成功回到家看到停留在墙上未撕去的日历,看到其乐融融的妻女与老人。鞭炮响起,李成功与妻子深情相拥,我们知道这一年,李成功回家了,不光是身体,还有心灵 。
讲述了耿浩(黄渤饰)在生活中遭遇了 情感 危机,面对 情感 的背叛,耿浩陷入难以自拔的痛苦之中。好基友郝义(徐峥饰)为了帮助他摆脱痛苦,于是一对“暴走兄弟”带上一只狗,开始了一段 搞笑 的疯狂的猎艳之旅 。
印度宝莱坞喜剧, 改编自真人真事,探讨印度农村家庭普遍没有厕所,妇女必须在野外如厕的现象。女主角担任教师,嫁给男主角后,发现家中没有厕所,和男主角“闹离婚”,还来了一场革命。
很高兴回答这个问题,国内外都有很多经典优秀的 搞笑 喜剧电影,在这里给大家分享几个值得推荐的电影,让我们一起欣赏一下吧:
1.《疯狂的石头》 (2006)
卓别林扮演的工人整天站在流水线上拧螺丝,最后变成了机器人一般,双手不停地做着拧螺丝的动作,男人的乳头也被他当作了螺丝。他的模样滑稽可笑,观众却笑着笑着哭出来,为人物的命运感到悲伤,对资本家的剥削感到愤恨,对自己对所处其中的 社会 制度感到无尽的叹息。
⑷ 求一篇英语电影的英文影评,600字~800字,答好给20
《卡特教头》这部电影你看过没有?Coach Carter,讲篮球教练的,我搞了篇你看看
"Coach Carter" is inspired by the true story of Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson), a controversial California high school basketball coach who took a bunch of unruly underachievers and not only made them contenders but taught them how to find the "victory within."
But while the movie's motivational message is patently praiseworthy, the game it runs across the screen, for well over two hours, is so full of familiar moves from the likes of "Stand and Deliver," "Hoosiers" and "Remember the Titans" that it finally inces more fidgeting than cheers.
Thank goodness then for go-to guy Jackson. He takes what could have been a cardboard clichŽ role and puts flesh on it with his flamboyant intelligence, some sharp speeches and, of course, that castigating stare. In fact, when he first confronts the Richmond High Oilers players in the gym, calling them out as "young sirs," there are great glimmers of his "Pulp Fiction" character, Jules Winnfield, reciting Ezekiel's prophecy of wrath against the Philistines.
Also skilled is the young ensemble cast, including Robert, Ri'chard (who plays Carter's son), Rob Brown, Antwon Tanner, and Rick Gonzalez. They come together to portray a group of impoverished student athletes with a combination of sensitivity and street-smart surliness. Their often profane repartee, peppered with racial epithets and shrewd slurs, shines as the truest part of the script. And singer-songwriter Ashanti makes her acting debut with a thoroughly natural performance as the pregnant girlfriend of one of the players.
What doesn't work is the plodding pace director Thomas Carter ("Save the Last Dance") sets. The story line builds to the moment when Carter antagonizes the community by padlocking the doors to the gym and benching the entire undefeated team because some of the players haven't fulfilled their written contract to keep up their grades. And then it goes on and on from there, losing its momentum and dramatic tension in several tired subplots and at least one too many basketball games decided at the buzzer.
Samuel L. Jackson made news last week by refusing to co-star with 50 Cent in a movie based on the rapper's life. He not only refused, but did it publicly, even though the film is to be directed by six-time Oscar nominee Jim Sheridan ("In America"). A clue to Jackson's thinking may be found in his new film, "Coach Carter," based on the true story of a California high school basketball coach who placed grades ahead of sports. Like Bill Cosby, Jackson is arguing against the anti-intellectual message that success for young black males is better sought in the worlds of rap and sports than in the classroom.
There is however another aspect to Jackson's refusal: He said he thought Sheridan wanted him to "lend legitimacy" to 50 Cent's acting debut. He might have something there. Jackson has an authority on the screen; he occupies a character with compelling force, commanding attention and can bring class to a movie. He might, he said, be interested in working with 50 Cent after the rapper makes another five movies or so, and earns his chops.
This reasoning may not be fair. Consider the work that Ice Cube did in "Boyz N the Hood" (1991), his first movie and the beginning of a successful acting career. Or look at the promise that Tupac Shakur showed, especially in his last feature, "Gridlock'd" (1997), holding his own with the veteran Tim Roth. Maybe 50 Cent has the stuff to be an actor. Maybe not. Jackson's decision may have more to do with the underlying values of the rapper's life; he may not consider 50 Cent's career, so often involving violent episodes, to be much of a role model.
Role models are what "Coach Carter," Jackson's new film, is all about. He plays Ken Carter, who began as a sports star at Richmond (California) High School, setting records that still stand, and then had success in the military and as a small businessman. He's asked to take over as basketball coach, an unpaid volunteer position; the former coach tells him, "I can't get them to show up for school." Ken Carter thinks he can fix that.
The movie was directed by Thomas Carter ("Save the Last Dance"), no relation to the coach. It follows long-established genre patterns; it's not only a sports movie with the usual big games and important shots, but also a coach movie, with inspiring locker room speeches and difficult moral decisions. There are certain parallels with "Friday Night Lights," although there it's the movie itself, and not the coach, that underlines the futility of high school stars planning on pro sports as a career.
Certainly both movies give full weight to public opinion in the communities where they're set -- places where the public's interest in secondary ecation seems entirely focused on sports, where coaches are more important than teachers, where scores are more important than grades.
Coach Carter wants to change all that. He walks into a gymnasium ruled by loud, arrogant, disrespectful student jocks, and commands attention with the fierceness of his attitude. He makes rules. He requires the students to sign a contract, promising to maintain a decent grade-point average as the price of being on the team. He deals with the usual personnel problems; a star player named Kenyon Stone (Ron Brown) has a pregnant girlfriend named Kyra (R&B singer Ashanti, in her, ahem, first role), and she sees a threat to her future in Carter's determination to get his players into college.
Ken Carter's most dramatic decision, which got news coverage in 1999, was to lock the gymnasium, forfeit games and endanger the team's title chances after some of his players refused to live up to the terms of the contract. The community of course was outraged that a coach would put grades above winning games; for them, the future for the student athletes lies in the NBA, not ecation.
Given the odds against making it in the NBA (dramatically demonstrated in the great documentary "Hoop Dreams"), this reasoning is like considering the lottery a better bet than working for a living.
Jackson has the usual big speeches assigned to all coaches in all sports movies, and delivers on them, big time. His passion makes familiar scenes feel new. "I see a system that's designed for you to fail," he tells his players, pointing out that young black men are 80 percent more likely to go to prison than to go to college. The movie's closing credits indicate that six of the team members did go on to college, five with scholarships. Lives, not games, were won.
从剧情本身,到主演Samuel Jackson的分析,很到位了,你可以用用;当然这部电影也不错你可以有空看看,打字打得累死了,嘿嘿;新年快乐啊
⑸ 喜剧就是以笑的方式哭,有哪些让你感动到笑着哭出来的的喜剧
⑹ 你都喜欢过哪些好莱坞的电影
1) 肖申克的救赎(刺激1995):男人必看的励志影片。
2) 教父(1、2):经典黑帮片,有此作品,其他同类一概低头。
6) 刀锋战士(1、2):新式吸血鬼动作片,非常另类和华丽。
7) 神秘的黄玫瑰系列:呵呵因为看的时候年纪小,觉得比西部片还经典。
9) 三步杀人曲系列:干净利落的墨西哥风格枪战电影。
10) 第一滴血(1):有内涵有力度有故事,是史泰龙为数不多的好片。