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發布時間:2022-03-14 20:29:16

『壹』 電影《功夫瑜伽》裡面的英文插曲叫什麼名字


『貳』 成龍新片《功夫瑜伽》中沙灘那個片段的英語插曲叫什麼,就是take me come


『叄』 電影功夫瑜伽里有一首未發布的原唱歌曲,是一首英文歌。不知道現在發

the name given to solitary spots

『肆』 《功夫瑜伽》這部電影中43分20秒左右的沙灘背景音樂是那首歌

張衛健-比賽(電視劇《功夫足球》主題曲) 張衛健 - 不是你的錯(功夫足球片尾曲) 容祖兒-貪慕虛榮(功夫足球插曲)

『伍』 功夫瑜伽裡面英文插曲叫啥名字 找了幾個月都沒找到。有誰知道的


『陸』 電影瑜伽功夫里的插曲


那首歌叫"LOW" 是T Pain Flo Rida原唱...也有其他版本!


『柒』 功夫瑜伽那個女的從水裡出來的時候放的歌


『捌』 成龍最近的電影《功夫瑜伽》裡面張藝興打電話,一個女的從泳池裡出來,在迪拜沙灘上的英文插曲叫什麼啊

I'll Be Lovin' U Long Time,很像很像,不好聽噴我,原曲其中的一句歌詞是see me comedy see me
just you one mine

『玖』 電影功夫瑜伽裡面迪拜海灘的插曲

How You Love Me(附上歌詞)
How You Love Me(Radio Edit) - 3LAU

Nobody's perfect I'll never try,
But I promise I'm worth it
if you just open up your eyes,
I don't need a second chance,
I need a friend,
Someone who's gon' stand by me
right there till the end,
If you want the best of my heart
you've just gotta see the good in me.
Cause I could be the rain in your desert sky,
I could be the fire in your darkest night,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.
I could be your sun when it's cold outside,
I could be your rock
when there's nowhere to hide,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.
It's How You Love Me.
You get what you give
that's the simple truth.
So, just lend me your hand
and I'll give you someone to hold onto.
I don't need a second chance,
I need a friend,
Someone who's gon' stand by me
right there till the end,
If you want the best of my heart
you've just gotta see the good in me.
Cause I could be the rain in your desert sky,
I could be the fire in your darkest night,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.
I could be your sun when it's cold outside,
I could be your rock
when there's nowhere to hide,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.
It's How You Love Me.
Cause I could be the rain in your desert sky,
I could be the fire in your darkest night,
I could be your curse or your angel,
It's all in how you love me.
It's How You Love Me.



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