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發布時間:2024-09-24 19:58:38

㈠ 觀電影後感受 英語作文80詞


㈡ 求一篇以「第一次看電影」為題的英語作文。急需!

When I go to the movie for the first time.There was something interesting attract me.The unforgettable movie is action movies where ChenLong shows up there,Not only I am totally addicted to it ,but I also want to be an action movie star just like he.夠了吧

㈢ 要一篇暑假去看電影的英語作文,電影是藍精靈,60字就夠了,初一作文電影是3D的, 快

The day before yesterday,I with excited mood to watch 3 D version of the film- "the blue".A good 3 D eyes,I can't wait to sit to the seat.
The whole movie is about six blue accidentally came to New York,and lived in a house.Finally,the blue all safety return to his home.I think they are very unity,their height only three apples high,but they did win over a tall than them several times,and very powerful wizard,unity is strength,this spirit is worth us to learn.

㈣ At the cinema 英語作文 要有中文

自動檢測語言 中 → 英 英 → 中 中 → 日 日 → 中 .翻譯結果(中 > 英)復制結果雙語對照查看

In the evening, we went to the cinema to see a movie, this is the first time I went to the cinema to see movies. The cinema is what? Is it right? Animated cartoon? How to see? I don't know, wow! The cinema is so big! I'm afraid we have50 classrooms so big. Many people really ah! The seat rows, although not full, but at least there are hundreds of people. This is the first time I talked to Yang Ming and so many people watch the movie, many new!The film begins, big screen appears" Transformers" four characters, oh, very good, finally can see the" Transformers" ... .... But is not animated, but alt films, I feel terrible, but Yang Ming that does not look good, cannot read. See less than half, we can not help but want to go home.

㈤ 初二英語作文,用英語描述你第一次去電影院就看電影院的經歷。

On weekends, my friends and I go to the movies. This is my first visit to the cinema, where everything is so strange in my opinion. Friends told me that the movies have an atmosphere, I would like to know, friends that I hope I can own experience.
Cinema film is wonderful, sound quality is also very good, but more importantly, this funny thing, there is a lot of people share, more than one person alone to see a much more meaningful.



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