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⑴ 2D動畫電影《獅子王》影評,從文化,視聽,風格手法方面分析。1000—1500字

影評:《獅子王》- 愛與責任 《獅子王》(The Lion King)是由Disney出品的,在1994年上映的動畫電影,也是公認的經典電影。我很喜歡這部電影。第一次看這部影片(英文原版)的時候是在初中,當時被感動得流淚。即使現在回顧重溫,仍不免被其感動。 關於劇情,當時看這部影片時我就覺得跟《哈姆雷特》如出一轍,後來查資料才發現確實是以《哈姆雷特》為故事藍本。不過不能因此否定這部影片的原創性。 這是個關於愛與責任以及成長的故事。 影片中沒有人物角色,全部角色均為動物。但編劇們賦予了片中的每個動物十分真實的人性化塑造,這也是該片能打動人的地方。 Simba幼年時的無憂無慮,頑皮,愛冒險,整天和好友Nala嬉戲打鬧,何嘗不是像所有孩子一樣呢。無憂無慮的幼年雖然美好,但孩子終歸還是要長大的。當Simba與Nala在大象墳場(Elephant Grave)險些喪命於土狼們(Hyenas)之爪下,被其父獅王Mufasa搭救後,Mufasa意識到是時候教育Simba成長了:」I』ve got to teach my son a lesson.」 Mufasa對Simba說了什麼?他嚴厲地說:」Simba, I am very disappointed in you! You could have been killed. And what』s worse , you put Nala in danger!」 Mufasa不只是責備Simba自己去冒險,更重要的是他將好朋友Nala置於危險之地。如果你自己一個人不顧性命那是你自己的事,但你牽連了別人,這就是責任的問題了。 Mufasa在意識到Simba認識到錯誤後,又展露出關愛的一面,與Simba嬉戲。在Mufasa身上展現的難道不是理想父親的形象嗎?既有慈父的一面,又能在孩子犯錯時加以嚴厲的教導。我想這也是很多人最喜歡這部影片中Mufasa這個角色的原因。當Mufasa死在野牛蹄下時,當Simba呼喊:」Help! Sombody, anybody! Help…」,絕望的徘徊,並無助地偎進死去的爸爸的懷中時,很多人都看得哭了,真是讓人心碎的場景。 Simba帶著害死父親的內疚離開了榮耀國(Pride Land),鬱郁不歡,似乎失去了活下去的動力。當Timon和Pumbaa問他幹了什麼時,Simba說:」I don』t wanna talk about it.」沒有任何人能幫助他了,」Not unless you can change the past.」 當一個人陷入絕境後,他也會失去生活的動力甚至會想到自殺吧。這時候Timon和Pumbaa教會了Simba樂天逃避的哲學」Hakula Matata」, 「When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back to the world!」 Simba學會了這種逃避生活的哲學,希望能忘記過去痛苦的回憶。很多人不也一樣嗎,在絕境中試著麻痹自己。 但這種躲避能持續多久?過去的重重陰影還是會不時地從細縫里鑽出來,啃噬你的心。仰視滿天繁星,Simba想到了父親曾經的教誨。」Someone once told me that they』re great kings of the past, watching over us.」 Great kings of the past, 這不由地激起Simba心中之痛。他本應成為他們的一員,成為和父親一樣偉大的國王,當此時他卻在干什麼?欺騙自己,躲避現實。 Simba開始慢慢覺醒,他應該承擔起自己生來應該的責任來。與Nala的意外重逢,聽到了現在的榮耀國在Scar統治下的惡況;狒狒長老Rafiki的指引:」The past can hurt, but as I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.」還有Mufasa的幽靈出現:」Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgetton who you are and so have forgotten me.」」Remember who you are. You are my son and the one true king.」這一切讓Simba覺醒並開始承擔起自己的責任。 Simba決定隻身一人回到榮耀國, 「to challenge his uncle to take his place as King.」為什麼與朋友不告而別呢?想起Mufasa在大象墳場事件後對Simba的教育你就會明白了,他不想」put his friends in danger again」。 最終結局沒什麼好說的,善最終戰勝了惡。做為以孩子為主要觀眾的動畫電影,這樣的結局安排很適當。不過,《獅子王》這部電影從主題或是教育意義上來說絕非是兒童電影,成人看這部影片也會受益良多。孩子在家長的陪伴下看這部電影是更好的選擇。 《獅子王》這部影片在音樂上也十分出色,Disney請了世界頂級音樂製作人Elton John和著名的配樂大師Hans Zimmer為其量身配樂,「將廣闊的非洲音域同迪斯尼動畫因素完美地結合在了一起,終於創造出這不朽的動畫奇跡」。該片獲得了1995年第六十七屆奧斯卡獎最佳原創電影音樂和最佳原創歌曲獎。音樂一向是Disney動畫中的亮點,在這部影片中更得到突出的表現,無論是角色們唱的歌曲還是烘托氛圍的交響樂都用得恰到好處。 《獅子王》無論在票房還是口碑上都獲得了巨大的成功。在很多的經典影片推薦目錄上都能找到它的身影

⑵ 冰雪奇緣英文影評



In winter I watch a film,who is called Frozen,it is about two girls called Elsa and Anna.They were very closed in kid,one day Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly.Then Elsa start to scare her power,and not to propinquity anybody including Anna.Stop in here ,in this film I learn two things .First love is importance to everyone,because love can make us be strong.Second confidence can make everything be true,I think that not have any confidance you will be lose,just like Anna she have her confidant to find Elsa at last she did.


Frozen is outstanding. From the humor to the music, Frozen takes you on a thrilling journey for all ages. Much like many Disney movies it starts off making the characters heartrendingly vulnerable, which is the beginning for the audience to become attached to the sister o, and for them to wonder where the tragedy will take them. Which brings you to hear splendid ets with Kristin Bell and Idina Menzel. The soundtrack belonging to this Picture has the power to make you laugh until your side hurts, and start singing the lyrics before you even leave the theater. This has to be one of the best Disney Princess films I have ever had the opportunity to watch. The Humor is delightful, the quotes from the film are so memorable you'll catch yourself quoting it in daily conversation. Frozen is defiantly on the path to becoming a Disney classic, and I had been counting down the days until I can own this captivating film. Frozen is a must see.


Elsa, princess of Arendelle, possesses Cryokinesis, the magical ability to create ice and snow. One night while playing, she accidentally knocks out her younger sister, Anna. The king and queen seek help from trolls, who heal Anna and remove her memories of her sister's magic. The royal couple isolates the children in their castle until Elsa learns to control her powers. Afraid of hurting her sister again, Elsa spends most of her time alone in her room, causing a rift between the girls as they grow up. When the girls are teenagers, their parents die at sea ring a storm.

When Elsa comes of age, the kingdom prepares for her coronation. Among the guests is the Duke of Weselton, a tradesman seeking to exploit Arendelle for profit. Excited to be allowed out of the castle again, Anna explores the town and meets Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, and the two immediately develop a mutual attraction. Despite Elsa's fear, her coronation goes off without incident. During the reception, Hans proposes and Anna hastily accepts. However, Elsa refuses to grant her blessing and forbids their sudden marriage. The sisters argue, culminating in an emotional Elsa's abilities being exposed.

Panicking, Elsa flees the palace, inadvertently unleashing an eternal winter on the kingdom in the process. High in the nearby mountains, she casts off restraint, building herself a solitary ice palace, and unknowingly brings to life her and Anna's childhood snowman, Olaf. Meanwhile, Anna sets out in search of her sister, determined to return her to Arendelle, end the winter, and mend their relationship. While getting supplies, she meets mountain man Kristoff and his reindeer Sven. She convinces him to guide her up the North Mountain. The group then encounters Olaf, who leads them to Elsa's hideaway.

Anna and Elsa reunite, but Elsa still fears hurting her sister. When Anna persists in persuading her sister to return, Elsa becomes agitated and accidentally strikes Anna in the heart with her powers. Horrified, she creates a giant snow creature to run the friends away before she accidentally hurts anyone again. As they flee, Kristoff notices Anna's hair is turning white, and deces something is very wrong. He seeks help from his adoptive family of trolls, who explain that Anna's heart has been frozen. Unless it's thawed by an "act of true love", she will become frozen solid forever. Believing that only Hans can save her, Kristoff races back with her to Arendelle.

Meanwhile, Hans, leading a search for Anna, reaches Elsa's palace. In the ensuing battle against the Duke's men, she is knocked unconscious and imprisoned back at the kingdom. There, Hans pleads with her to undo the winter, but Elsa confesses she doesn't know how. When Anna reunites with Hans and begs him to kiss her to break the curse, Hans refuses and reveals that his true intention in marrying her is to seize control of Arendelle's throne. Leaving Anna to die, he charges Elsa with treason for her younger sister's apparent death.

Elsa escapes and heads out into the blizzard on the fjord. Olaf finds Anna and reveals Kristoff is in love with her. The two then rush onto the fjord to find him. Hans confronts Elsa and tells her Anna is dead because of her. In Elsa's despair, the storm suddenly ceases, giving Kristoff and Anna the chance to reach each other. However, when Anna sees that Hans is about to kill Elsa, she throws herself between the two and subsequently freezes solid, blocking the blow, knocking Hans off his feet and rendering him unconscious when he hits his head on the icy surface.

As Elsa grieves for her sister, Anna's decision to sacrifice herself to save Elsa constitutes an "act of true love" and thaws her. Realizing love is the key to controlling her powers, Elsa is able to thaw the kingdom and even helps Olaf survive in summer. Hans is sent back to the Southern Isles to face punishment for his crimes against the royal family of Arendelle, and Elsa cuts off trade with Weselton. Anna and Kristoff share a kiss, and the two sisters reconcile, with Elsa promising never to shut the castle gates again.

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