導航:首頁 > 歐美電影 > 光榮美國電影


發布時間:2024-10-05 12:10:44

A. 看過電影光榮戰役(glory)的進來下,歌曲問題

好像叫Rain, Rain, Rain

附上歌詞:Rain, rain, rain.
Rain, rain, rain.
Rain, rain, rain, rain.

Well, didn't it rain, children.
God's gonna send the waters from Zion.
He's good raise his Heaven up higher,
It's gonna rain. (Well, it's gonna rain.)

Well stop! Great God, stop still and listen.
My God walked down by the briny sea,
Beheld the evil of the sinful man;
Declared that he would destroy the land.
He spoke to Noah; Noah stopped.
He said: "Noah, I want you to build an ark.
"I want you to build it big and strong.
"Build it three hundred cubits along,
"Thirty high and fifty wide,
"'Cause it's got to stand that rain and tide.

Well, rain, children.
God's gonna send the waters from Zion.
He's good raise his Heaven up higher,
It's gonna rain. (Well, it's gonna rain.)

Well, after God told him what to do,
Noah began to cut and hew.
The ringing of the saw cried "Judgement."
The ringing of the hammer cried "Sinner repent."
A hundred years, he hammered and sawed,
Building the Ark by the Grace of God.
After the foundation was laid,
He hewed the timber and the Ark was made.
"Lord, let it rain."
Behold the Ark was made.

Oh, Noah.
(Well, he called in the animals two by two.)
(The ox, and the camel, and the kangaroo.)
Oh, Noah.
(Well, they called in Japeth, Ham and Shem.)
(And God began to flood the land.)
Oh, Noah.
(He raised his hands to heaven on high.)
(He knocked the sun, the moon from the sky.)
Oh, Noah.
(Shook the mountains and wobbled the sea.)
(And He hitched his reins to the chariot wheels.)
Oh, Noah.
(Stepped on the land and stood on the shore.)
(And declared that time would be no more.)

Rain, rain, rain.
Rain, rain, rain.
Oh, Noah: Noah, didn't it rain.
Rain, rain, rain.
Rain, rain, rain.
Rain, rain, rain, rain.

My Lord, then the wind did blow and the Ark did rock,
And Noah couldn't find nowhere to dock.
My God spoke and he whispered low.
Showed old Noah where he wanted him to go.
He said: "Look a-here, Noah, the rain's done stopped,
"And I want you to land on the mountaintop."
Showed old Noah a rainbow sign,
Said: "It won't be a rain but fire next time."

Rain, rain, rain.
Rain, rain, rain.
Oh, Noah: Noah, didn't it rain.
Rain, rain, rain.
Rain, rain, rain.
Oh, Noah: Noah, didn't it rain.


B. 美國電影光榮戰役片尾曲

光榮之路片尾曲 Alicia Keys sweet music
One of these days I'm gonna wake up
Skies gonna be blue
One of these days I'm gonna wake up
To a sun shining through
One of these days this song is gonna be true
And the world, the world
Is gonna be brand new
One of these days I'm gonna wake up
And im gonna feel fine
One of these days I'm gonna wake up
And my dreams are gonna be mine
One of these days this song is gonna be true
And the world, the world
Is gonna be brand new
It's gonna sound like music
Oh sweet music
And everybody's gonna want
To sing along
It's gonna sound like music
Oh sweet music
And everybody in the world
is gonna sing this song
They gonna say la,la-la,la-la,la,la
One of these days I'm gonna wake up
And I'm gonna be free
One of these days I'm gonna wake up
Break this chance oh gimmie...
One of these days this song is gonna be true
And the world is gonna be brand new
It's gonna sound like music
Oh sweet music
And everybody's gonna want
To sing along
It's gonna sound like



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