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A. 肖申克的救贖影評賞析





B. 2020-12-12 鐢靛獎璧忔瀽 Fathers and Daughters錛氭帰璁ㄥ備綍闈㈠瑰け鍘諱笌紱誨埆







灝卞傚紑澶達紝褰撶埗浜插湪鎴塊棿閲岃拷璧惰繖 Kitty錛屽ぇ澹板枈鍙榪檖otato chip錛屽跺涵鐨勬俯棣錛岃╂垜鎯寵搗錛屽皬鏃跺欐渶鍠滄㈢殑灝辨槸鑷宸卞弻鑷傛拺鐩寸珛浜庤韓浣撲袱渚э紝涓庣埗浜叉帉蹇冨規帉蹇冿紝琚鐖朵翰楂橀珮涓捐搗銆傜敎銍滅殑鍦烘櫙渚濇棫嫻鐜板湪鑴戞搗涓銆


seven years錛屼竴嬈$殑涓嶅繝甯︾粰瀹跺涵鐨勪笉淇′換錛岃櫧鐒跺凡緇忚繃鍘諱竷騫翠箣涔咃紝


鎵胯や粠灝忔槸瀵瑰氬Щ瀹屽叏涓嶄俊浠葷殑錛屾棤璁烘槸鐖剁埍鍜屾瘝鐖 錛岀ュ勾鐨勫洖蹇嗗厖鏂ヨ繖鐖舵瘝鐨勪簤鍚碉紝璁板緱鏈変竴澶 澶滈噷濮愬愬彨閱掓垜璇村惉瑙佸0鍝嶏紝涓璧峰嚭闂ㄥ線鐖舵瘝鐨勬埧闂存湜鍘伙紝鍙戠幇鐖朵翰鍥犳鐤戞瘝浜蹭笉蹇狅紝瀹炲湪鍜戒笉涓嬭繖鍙f皵錛屽皢姣嶄翰澶撮儴鎹傚湪琚瀛愪笅錛屾瘝浜插湪涓嬭竟鍝奼傚摻鍜斤紝榪欎釜鍦烘櫙涓鐩村繕涓嶄簡銆傞偅鏃舵垜鎵9宀併


The problem now is that
now you're experiencing...

...a manic depressive psychosis

brought on by the accident,
the brain trauma, the loss of your wife.

What concerns me, Jake,
are the seizures,

because those seizures are definitely a sign
of something far more serious.

And if you don't at least try treatment
and give yourself a chance,

you will end up
with a much worse condition.

Like what?

Psychotic breaks.

I would like to strongly suggest
that you consider staying at St. Francis.

I know doctors there. I really recommend
you get treatment for a few weeks.

Maybe even a few months.

A mental hospital?

Come on.

I can't do that. I have a...
I have a daughter to raise.

And that's exactly why you need to,

because you have a daughter to raise.


Still your favorite, isn't it?




I have to go away.


Just for a little while.

How long?

I don't know, just a while.

I wanna come.

Not this time, baby.

You know...

the accident's made me a little bit sick
and I have to get fixed.

I need to be stronger
so I can take care of you.

You do!

Not the way I need to, baby. Okay?

You're gonna go stay with Aunt Elizabeth
and Uncle William

and your cousins ​​in West Chester.

But I don't want you to go!

When I come back
it'll be for good, forever.

It's gonna be fine.



Hi, sweetheart!

Jake. Hi!

Oh, I'm so happy you come to
stay with us.

Say goodbye.

I'll be back soon as I can.

You're my Potato Chip,
You and nobody else, okay?

I love you so much.

I love you, Katie!

You're my Potato Chip,You and nobody else, okay?


Hey, Katie, wait up.

I Can't believe you're getting a
graating degree in psychology,

sitting around listening to people
whine about their problems all day.

I like helping people.

You can help me.

I'm lonely as hell.

What could I possibly do
to help you, Evan?

I don't know. We could go out
for a date sometime.

You're a confident man, huh?

Am I? I think so.

So tell me,
what do you really want?

濂充富鑾峰緱浜唃raating degree in psychology錛屽苟涓旈夋嫨浜嗙ぞ鍖哄績鐞嗚緟瀵煎憳錛屾暣鏃ュ惉浜哄捐瘔浠栦滑鐨勯棶棰橈紝鍚璧鋒潵浼間箮寰堟棤鑱婏紙sitting around listening to people whine about their problems all day.錛夛紝浣嗗コ涓誨嵈寰堝枩嬈錛屾湁縐嶈存硶璇達紝璇誨績鐞嗗︾殑閮芥槸甯屾湜鍐呭績寰楀埌鍖繪不錛屽湪鏌愮嶇▼搴︿笂璇達紝榪欑嶈存硶鏄瀵圭殑銆

25 Years Later.
Do you wanna date me,
or do you wanna fuck me?

'cause I'm fine either way.

What happened to your confidence?

Can I see you again?

No, man.

Why'd you do that if you don't
wanna see me again?

I didn't have to time
to work out today.

See you around, Evan.

Which one's your favorite?

You can just point.

I like the cat.
But that's just me.

Lucy, I know you're scared.

But you're in a really
safe place, okay?

And I wanna be here to help you.

I promise you that.


...don't love.

But you have loved.

Yeah, a long time ago once.

So you know that you can love?

I'm... There's nothing in here.
There's nothing.

It's like... It's an empty well.

just dry and barren.

Is that why you sleep with all these men?

you continue to do it.

So how does it make you feel?


It makes me feel...

It makes me feel... something,

because most of the time
I feel nothing.

And these are men that
you don't even like.


So what would you do if you met a man
that you actually did like?

I don't know.

Probably make him regret the day
he laid eyes on me.

I don't know.

Probably make him regret the day he laid eyes on me.


You know...

Normally I would never approach
someone like you, but...

I heard a rumor.

What rumor?

Um... That my literary idol and
your father are the same person.

I don't know if that's true.

So they lied to me?


My friends, they're liars.
You're not Potato Chip?


I can't really hear you.
Can we move?



What were you babbling about?

Nice. Um...

Jake Davis,

he wrote my favorite book,
of all time, "Fathers and Daughters".

Wow. It's a popular book?


I know. It's just been with me
ever since I was a little kid.


literally changed my life. So...

Hi. My name's Cameron.

I'm Katie.



As in, "Kate Davis"?

You're the real Kate Davis?

How close is the book to what
actually happened?

It's a lot funnier in the book.


Is this your thing?
You go out, alone, no friends?

Sometimes I really just...
I prefer being alone.

It's a lot easier.

So what do you do?

I'm a social worker.
I work with kids with problems.

I like it.

So how do you get by?

I'm a freelance writer
for a few newspapers

and starting my first book.

What's it called?

Uh... "Two is the Perfect Number."

Is that a love story?

Uh... Yeah. Kind of.

This is me.

Wow, this is really nice!

Perfect for a Potato Chip.

Well, you're never seeing
my apartment.

I'm... well, not the would...
This is a... date or... anything but... uh

What are you doing tomorrow?


Well, so we can continue
this conversation.

I was, you know, running.

I can run.



Meet me up here at four.

Four? Okay.

Um... Sweet... Sweet dreams.

Sweet dreams to you too,


You know...

Normally I would never approach
someone like you, but...

I heard a rumor.

What rumor?

Um... That my literary idol and
your father are the same person.

I don't know if that's true.

So they lied to me?


My friends, they're liars.
You're not Potato Chip?


I can't really hear you.
Can we move?

濂充富涓寮濮嬫湰涓嶆兂鍜孋ameron鏈夎繃澶氫氦寰錛岀洿鍒頒粬鎻愬強potato chip錛屽敜璧蜂簡濂充富灝忔椂琚鐖辯殑鐢婚潰錛岄殢鍗蟲e父鐨勬矡閫氾紝涓庝竴寮澶碊o you wanna date me,
or do you wanna fuck me?杞繪誕璦璇褰㈡垚瀵規瘮銆

鍙楄繃浼ょ殑濂充富涓嶄粎鍦ㄤ翰瀵嗗叧緋諱腑鏃犳硶榪涘叆錛屽鉤甯鎬篃閮芥槸鐙鏉ョ嫭寰錛屽緢灝戞湁鏈嬪弸榪涘叆濂圭殑鐢熸椿銆傛e傛暣涓褰辯墖娌℃湁娑夊強濂充富鏈変換浣曟湅鍙 銆



Ah, thanks for coming.

I'm sorry. I hear about your book.

It must've been rough the way
the criticism pegged down to you.

Yeah, well, you know...

I don't know why God invented cockroaches
or literary critics. I'm sure he had his reasons.

Well, you know, I mean,
they just hated it.

I mean, they actively hated it.
How do you get passed on like that?

Well, you know, pick a cellphone,
the self-affluent.

That kind of thing.

You know, have you even noticed...

that you're shaking.

The last time we met, it looked to me like
you were about to have a seizure.

And I... I admit,

I mean I was disturbed to see you still
wrestling with an impulses you can't control

even after all that time
in the hospital.

The book's prove, Jake.

You're not ready for the real world.
You're not cut out to be a father.

You just give Katie to somebody
actually can take care of her.

Tell your kid that you love her,
and then you can't do what's best for her.

That's hypocrisy at the worst.

Carl, just not so much left-hand.

That's funny, man.
That's funny.

You're in deep shit now.

Nice move.

You'd better mind.
He's mannerless.

濡備綍鎵嶆槸瀵瑰╁瓙姣旇緝濂斤紝涓鏂規槸瀹跺涵鏉′歡浼樿秺 濠氬Щ騫哥忥紙褰撴椂鏉ョ湅錛夌殑濮ㄥ堝訛紝榪樻槸韜澶勮儲鍔″嵄鏈猴紝闈涓翠笉鍙浣曟椂鐧鐥鍙戜綔鐨勭殑鐖朵翰錛屼袱鑰呴兘闈炲父鐖卞コ涓籏atie錛




You wanna know what made me
decide to become a writer?

Really stick to it?

Well, when I was in Kenya,

one morning I woke up
and jumped out of the car, to pee,

and... I was face to face with a lion.


Yeah, I know, for real.

I mean, a male lion
about 15 feet in front of me

just staring straight at me.

I mean, he was clearly telling me
that I was his.

What'd you do?

I didn't do anything.
I was frozen.

I mean, I physically could not move.

You know, he stared at me for
a few more moments and he just...

walked right past me.

I will never forget that moment,
you know.

I realized that no more plan B,

no documentary, no veterinarian,

no Harvard.

I just wanted to do what
I always dreamed of, you know?

I wanted to write, you know?

I wanted to write as if every page I was writing on
was the last page before I die.

You know? I wanna...

I wanna leave something behind.

You know? I wanna...

I wanna leave my mark,
because you know what,

sooner or later, in one form or another,
a lion is just gonna come and get us all.

I'm so glad that he let you live.

Yeah, so am I.

So am I.

Coming to bed?

Yeah, in a bit.

I have something for you.



What is this?

It's the original.

To Katie, My Potato Chip,

who I love more
than the last number.

Katie I can't accept this.

I want you to have it.

It's a good luck charm.

It's for you.

I realized that no more plan B,

no documentary, no veterinarian,

no Harvard.

Yeah, so am I.

So am I.

Coming to bed?

Yeah, in a bit.

I have something for you.



What is this?

It's the original.

To Katie, My Potato Chip,

who I love more
than the last number.

Katie I can't accept this.

I want you to have it.

It's a good luck charm.

It's for you.

濡備綍闈㈠規亹鎯э紝鍏跺疄Katie鐨勫逛翰瀵嗗叧緋誨綋涓鏈澶х殑闃葷嶅氨鏄闈㈠規亹鎯э紝浠庤繖閲岃兘鐪嬪埌Katie娓呮櫚鐨勬垚闀跨嚎錛屼粠Potato chip鍞よ搗灝忔椂鍊欑殑緹庡ソ璁板繂鎰挎剰涓庣敺鍙嬪紑鍚榪欐靛叧緋伙紝鍒扮敺鍙婥ameron鍒嗕韓涓庣嫯瀛愰潰瀵歸潰鏃跺欑殑鍦烘櫙錛岃╁ス鏈変簡闈㈠逛翰瀵嗗叧緋葷殑鍕囨皵錛屽苟鎶婅嚜宸辨渶鐝嶈吹鐨勭埗浜查仐鐣欎笅鏉ョ殑鎵嬬誇氦緇欎簡Cameron銆


Wow, look at those teeth.

I bet you all the other dinosaurs didn't
wanna bump into this guy at dinner time.

Miss your mom?

Me too.


You know you were the great joy
in light of your mom's life,

just like you're the great
joy in light of mine.

I really miss her.

Ooh, of course you do.

Of course you do.

But you know what?

Your mom is wherever you are.

She's in this room right now.

She's watching over us.

She's looking down.

She's got a big smile on her face
and she's so proud.

She's so proud of you baby.

'cause she can see the intelligent,
caring, beautiful little girl you are.



Are you going to die?

Not for a very very long time,

when I'm an old old old man.

How old?

Well, probably about...

a thousand.


Yeah. Maybe a million,
if I stop eating hot dogs.


I will be such an old man, all right?

You'll have your own house
and your own husband.

You'll have a whole
bunch of kids.

You'll have a dog and a cat

and everybody will be running around
putting ketch-up on everything.


I promise.

Pinky swear?

Pinky swear.


What do you think about when
you think about your mom?

It's just me.


Scared, why?

I miss her so much.

And I'm so...

Mad at her for dying?


I love you Katie.

I love you like I never
loved anyone else.

You know, not everyone that
loves you is going to leave you.

I know that here,

but I don't know it here.

You should go and find some uncomplicated
girl to love and stop wasting it on me


I like wasting it on you.

濂充富Katie 鏃犳硶鍘葷埍浜
I know that here錛堝ご鑴戜腑鐞嗚В錛,but I don't know it here.錛堟湰鑳藉傚悓鐩撮潰鐙瀛愯埇鍏呮弧鎮愭儳錛

girl to love and stop wasting it on me銆

鍠滀箰钀ユ墠鏄浣犲彈浼ゆ椂鍊欑殑瀹夋叞錛屼綘瑕侀棶鑷宸憋紝鎴戠殑鍠滀箰钀ラ噷鏈変粈涔堬紵浣犺秺娓呮氾紝 浣犺秺鑳藉熻蛋鍑轟激鐥








C. 電影《奧德賽》賞析

這部電影是我在一個極為偶然的情況下看的,雖然整個電影難說是一個上乘之作,我還是對這部電影留下了深刻的印象。 電影改編自荷馬史詩《奧德賽》: 伊薩卡國王奧德修斯在阿伽門農的要求下帶領軍隊遠征特洛伊,離開剛出生的兒子和心愛的妻子,特洛伊十年的戰斗,因為他的木馬計而勝利了,於是他向眾神大喊,大意為我奧德修斯,一個有血有肉,有頭有腦的人凡人,利用自己的智慧征服了特洛伊,一座曾經被眾神祝福為永遠攻不破的城,我不再需要你們了,我自己能做任何事情...很不幸, 他的話惹怒了海神波塞冬,波塞冬詛咒他永遠漂流在大海上,永遠回不到故鄉伊薩卡。 奧德修斯不顧海神的詛咒,毅然決定返回伊薩卡,路上的大霧使他與希臘的艦隊失散,隨之以後他在海上漂流的十年經歷了許多艱難險阻,獨目巨人吃掉了他的同伴,神女喀爾刻把他的同伴用巫術變成豬,又要把他留在海島上;他又到了環繞大地的瀛海邊緣,看到許多過去的鬼魂;躲過女妖塞壬的迷惑人的歌聲,逃過怪物卡律布狄斯和斯庫拉,最後女神卡呂普索在留了奧德修斯好幾年之後,同意讓他回去。他到了菲埃克斯人的國土,向國王阿爾基諾斯重述了過去9 年間的海上歷險, 阿爾基諾斯派船送他回故鄉。 我最難忘記的是裡面的一句台詞「,我只是一個凡人,不可自大,也不必自卑」,我不知道這是不是荷馬史詩《奧德賽》中的原話。這已經成為我的座右銘了。 電影里還描述了他和他的妻子珀涅洛珀堅貞的愛情,他對女神卡呂普索說:凡間所有的女人都沒有你美麗,但我只愛我的珀涅洛珀,當女神說,你和我一起,可以得到永生,奧德修斯答道,我寧願像個男人一樣躺在妻子的懷里,哪怕是寧靜的片刻,也不願離開她而永生不老。 通過電影讓我了解了古老希臘神話的魅力,以及古人的智慧,我們生活在現在,生活在古時難以想像的現在,但是難說我們擁有與古人相當的智慧。



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